How much does it cost to buy UPC codes?

You can buy UPC Codes from $0.99 – $89. It depends on the seller to seller. There some seller who also providing the hardcopy and sent to you they charge for the labels as well.

We have seen that there are number of companies who sell UPC Codes at a very high price. We have seen those customers who got surprised when they see our pricing for UPC Codes. We have got so many questions regrading UPC Codes –

  • Why your UPC Codes pricing is very low?
  • UPC Codes that you provide are legit or not?
  • How many UPC Codes do I need to list?
  • Can I use UPC Codes on Amazon?

and Many more. So in this tutorial we have tried to cover almost all these questions. Let’s start with our first question…

Why buy cheap UPC Codes from Why our pricing is low?

As a seller, we buy UPC Codes in bulk 500K to 800K in one go. So the cost of UPC Code becomes very low for low for us, You can also see the pricing from our list of UPC Codes where we have listed the number of UPC Codes by downing their price as the number increase. The most common buyers who come to e-commerce store buy around 25 UPC Codes on average which usually cost them $0.99 per UPC Code. The pricing of UPC Codes go down when you increase the number UPC Codes.

UPC Codes that you provide are legit or not?

Yes, 100% legit. We are serving the industry from last 2 years and our customer base is increasing day by day. We are ranking in google in Top 10 websites for the search terms like Buy UPC Codes, Buy cheap UPC Codes and many others. We have a good buyer base in USA, UK, Canada, India, Australia and in many other countries.

How many UPC Codes do I need to list?

There is no limitation on how many UPC Codes you need? Instead it depends on how many product variation do you have. For example, if you have 2 t-shirts with 2 different colors and with your same brand then you need to buy 2 UPC Codes because of color variation.

Can I use UPC Codes on Amazon?

100%. Yes of course you can use UPC Codes on Amazon for listing purpose. Even more than 60% of our buyers buy UPC Codes to sell their product on Amazon.

So now I think you got idea about UPC Codes we provide and if you have still some question then please visit our FAQ page, Let’s move on to our final question…

How much does it cost to buy UPC codes?

As I said previously that there are number of sellers who provide UPC Codes from $5 – $89. And If you are looking forward to list your product on Amazon or any other platform then buy UPC Codes form Here is link to our UPC Codes pricing page where go through the pricing and then decide. We also offer a price match guarantee but this is only valid for legit sellers.

Click to see the complete list of UPC Codes and buy UPC Codes at Best Price